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Here we have gathered all you need to know about the Irish Claddagh Ring along with the 4 different ways to wear this symbolic design!

The Claddagh is a traditional Irish ring exchanged as a token of love. There are a number of stories which claim the origin of the Claddagh ring but the most plausible of these is that of the Joyce family.

The story goes that Joyce had been captured by Algerians and sold to a Moorish goldsmith. Inhe was released from slavery when William III sent an ambassador to Algeria demanding the release of all British subjects.

Joyce declined the offer, eager to return to his native Galway. When he returned to Galway, he established his own jewelry business and set about creating his most famous design the Claddagh ring.

The other popular story of the history of the Claddagh is also linked to the Joyce name. Margaret Joyce, a Galway native, inherited her wealth from her husband Domingo de Rona.

He was a wealthy Spanish merchant who traded with the city of Galway. When he died, she returned to Galway and used her fortune to build bridges in Galway and Sligo.

It is said the first Irish Claddagh ring was dropped into her lap by an eagle in reward for all her good work and charity.

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Whichever story you believe, there is no doubt that the Claddagh is the ultimate symbol of love. Long before Facebook, people wore the famous Claddagh design to proclaim their relationship status.

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Much like Facebook, relationship status can be updated quickly and as easily! There are a number of ways your ring can be worn to convey your relationship status.

Let us know in the comments below. What does it mean if a man wears his wedding ring but on his right hand has a claddagh ring worn the way which shows he is single- ie crown facing towards his chest, pointed part of heart facing out?

Thank you. Hi Tracey, Thanks for your message! The heart turned out and away from the wearer is meant to symbolize open to love and the wearer is not in a relationship.

Hope this helps!

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Paula Claddagh Design. BUT, also take his answer with a grain of salt, be sure to guard your heart.

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I was always told that if you wore the ring on your left hand facing out, it meant you were a widow. Facing in- married. Right hand- same as you have here.

Made sense to me, as it covered all stages of our life. Single, dating, married and widowed. The circle of life, if you will. As the tradition of how to wear a Claddagh has spread by word of mouth, it seems how we choose to wear our Claddagh and what it represents to us is different for everyone!

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Yes, there is definitely a strong tradition of mothers gifting Claddagh rings to their daughters. In saying that, there are also other traditions that surround the Claddagh.

Couples and friends often exchange Claddagh rings as a commitment ring. Other times, simply as a symbol of appreciation for 3 beautiful sentiments — love, friendship and loyalty in life.

Hi Anna, not at all. I am married and wear my traditional wedding ring set on my left hand.

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However I do wear my Claddagh on my right hand with the point of the heart facing in. I also wear it to represent my Irish heritage.

I had a ring made with a moldavite gemstone inside the heart of my ring after he passed. I wear it on my left ring finger along with a wedding band to represent our infinite love but should the point of the heart be facing my hand and heart or turned away from me?

I felt like I should wear it facing my heart to represent my never ending love for him yet if we were legally married I would be a widow?

My heart only belongs to him and since his passing I took a vow of celibacy and became a minister as well as a doctor of divinity and metaphysics, hence the moldavite gemstone in the heart of my ring.

Anyways my question being whether I am correctly wearing my ring. He has Irish heritage and I do not want to disrespect the traditions or anything regarding him.

Firstly, I am so sorry to hear of your tragic loss.

Facing in- married. right hand ring designs with round diamond stone Retrieved May 14,

I hope you and your son are doing ok! On the tradition of the Claddagh ring, no-one is quite sure where the tradition of how to wear a Claddagh ring all started.

For me and many others, the Claddagh symbolism of eternal love, loyalty and friendship is what really matters and makes wearing your Claddagh for him so special.

In your case, I might suggest wearing on your left hand with the base of the heart pointing towards the hand. This is said to represent marriage or a lifelong commitment.

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Coming from an Irish person, I think wearing this ring for him is a beautiful gesture whatever way you choose to wear it. Take care x.

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My wife and I just purchased Cladddagh rings We will wear them on our right hands because we have worn our wedding rings on our left hands for 46 years.

Thanks Terry. I have been searching for the right way to wear my ring also, since my husband passed this last May of this year. Also from cancer.

I read that wearing it with the heart facing towards the fingertips, on your wedding finger can mean that you are a widow.

I choose to wear it that way. Heart band rings for women 2017 pictures I was always told that your mother had to give you the ring not a man.

I choose to wear it that way. Again I am so very sorry for your loss. Sincerely, Angela. Hi Angela, thanks so much for sharing and our sincere condolences for your loss.

Hope you are doing well x. My mother gave me my claddagh ring as a gift. I never take it off. I am now planning to personalize it by adding a garnet stone.

The ring means a lot to me, so I wear it no matter what. Thanks for sharing Khatelin! Glad to hear you love your Claddagh ring Keith.

Both Allen and Mahoney are still common names here in Cork.

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Fascinating history. Thanks for sharing!

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Hi Sadhbh, thanks for getting in touch! I was recently given a Claddagh ring by a niece who is newly united with our family.

She had bought it for herself while on a trip to Scotland. Ironically, she had no idea that my mother was raised in Scotland. She is actually my husbands niece ,but we formed a very loving bond immeadliatly and she wanted to give me something belonging to her.

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I love it and i wear it on my right pinky, with the point facing out because I like people to get a full view of it. That is really lovely Sylvia and great to hear you have made this special bond.

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Thank you so much for sharing the story behind your Claddagh ring! I heard about Claddagh rings today and I love the ideas behind the symbolism of them.

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The idea of the hands around the heart was explained as being the hands of prayer to ask God to be at the centre of the marriage.

Would Irish people take offence if I were to wear one? Hi Jacinta, not at all there would be no offense taken.

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The Claddagh symbols are a really nice sentiment representing love, loyalty and friendship and many of our customer have no connection to Ireland. I am American and am familiar with the Claddagh ring growing up in Chicago in a predominantly Irish neighborhood.

I have been dating a man from Ireland for the past 5 months and up until recently he has worn his Claddagh ring on his right hand with the point away from his hand.

I was a little confused by this as I thought that meant someone was single. However over the weekend he was very sick and after taking care of him I noticed his ring is now turned around.

I would appreciate any insight. Thank you! As the tradition goes the point facing in towards the hand is said to mean the wearer is in a serious relationship.

19.01.2020 – Open relationship, is allowed to play the field. This is said to represent marriage or a lifelong commitment. Sterling silver band with a golden glow inside. This was longtime band member Leese’s last tour with Heart; he left the band later in the year. Oxidized sterling silver.

With the point facing away from the hand, they are not in a serious relationship. Sorry a bit of a non-answer but hope it helps in someway!

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